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Guiding Your Workplace Transformation

Workplace Relocation, Innovative Office Design, and Project Management

Our comprehensive relocation services at MUNNLANE Workplace throughout the US make workforce relocation a stress-free and straightforward process. You can feel confident knowing our team can handle the entire process of moving your workforces to get you back in business on time and within budget. Most business owners and managers fear losing days or weeks of productivity while moving all their office furniture, technology, and appliances to a new location. When trained professionals like us handle the move, the transition process is smooth and seamless, thus allowing your team to remain focused on their work.

Workplace Relocation

Office Design

Furniture Install


Project Management

What We Offer

Complete Project Planning and Management
Complete Setup of Office Furniture
Office Space and Layout Design
Technology Services
Data Room Relocation
Asset Management
Transferring Recycling and Waste Disposal Program
Transitional Planning
Post-move Guidance and Support

Our Long History With Workplace Relocation

As a woman-owned business, MUNNLANE Workplace has a long history of working with other woman-owned and minority-owned businesses, helping them relocate their workplaces. When we help a business relocate their workplace, we do more than just move furniture from one building to another. We transform your workplace into a more efficient and beautiful environment for your team.

MUNNLANE Workplace Miami

1000 Brickell Ave, Miami, FL 33131, USA

MUNNLANE Workplace San Francisco

166 Geary St ste 1500 2073, San Francisco, CA 94108, USA

Munnlane Workspace 1

1820 Chapel Avenue West suite 300, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002, USA